Chapter 341 — CommunityColleges
341.005 Definitions
341.009 Policy
341.015 Guidelinesfor districts
341.019 Allareas in state to be served by district; procedure; responsibility; rules;local advisory committees; duties
341.021 Provisionof service outside districts; proposals; costs
341.022 Maximumreimbursable enrollments in nondistrict areas
341.024 Rules
341.025 Petitionfor formation of district
341.039 Communitycollege service district; petition; powers; question for electors; method ofchange
341.041 Conversionof certain community college service districts to community college districts
341.045 Feasibilitystudy; hearing
341.055 Hearing;alteration of proposed boundaries
341.065 Dismissalof petition
341.076 Stateboard recommendation to legislature; appeal; revision of recommendation;hearing; effect of legislative action
341.085 Electionfor formation of district
341.095 Electionshall include question of rate limit for operating taxes and may includequestion of organizational expense
341.102 Paymentof formation election expenses
341.105 Listof electors
341.115 Effectof election results
341.125 Firstboard
341.175 Adjustmentof zone boundaries
341.185 Reviewof zone boundaries
341.275 Communitycollege district board; qualifications
341.283 Organization;meetings; quorum; rules; journal; expenses
341.287 Status;official title of board
341.290 Generalpowers; rules
341.300 Trafficcontrol; conditions on parking privileges; rules; penalty
341.305 Taxlevy
341.308 Authorityto certify operating taxes
341.309 Establishmentof interstate taxing authority
341.311 Eminentdomain
341.312 Self-insuranceprogram
341.315 Contractfor educational services
341.317 Educationalservices to inmates at correctional institutions; reimbursement
341.319 Intellectualproperty
341.321 Reservefund; establishment and termination procedures
(Nominationand Election)
341.326 Qualification
341.327 Modeof election of board
341.331 Changein method of nominating and electing board
341.335 Vacancy;filling of vacancy; term of appointed member
341.339 Positionnumbers required for at-large positions
341.341 Assigningposition numbers
341.356 Electionlaws applicable
341.357 Publicationof notices
341.369 Specialelections
341.371 Boardresolution required to submit question to electors
341.379 Eligibilityof electors following certain events
341.405 Establishmentof community college
341.415 Officialname of college
341.420 Procedurefor name changes for district or college
(Programsand Courses)
341.425 Approvalrequired to commence or change program and for transfer credits
341.440 Contractsfor educational services
341.450 Two-plus-twoprograms and other related programs
341.455 Creditfor private career school courses; transcripting fee
341.460 Creditfor traffic safety education course not permitted
341.463 Coursesin American Sign Language
341.465 Certificatesand associate degrees
341.475 Studentloan fund
341.485 Scholarships
341.505 Admissionof students
341.525 Contractsfor reimbursement between college districts; effect of high school student’senrollment on school funding
341.527 Admissionof nonresident students at resident tuition rate under certain conditions;exchange procedures; rules
341.528 Residencyfor purpose of distribution of state aid
341.529 Admissionof members of Armed Forces, spouses and dependent children; fee and tuitionrate
341.531 Rightsof student in military ordered to active duty; rules
341.532 Creditfor room, board, tuition and fees for student ordered to active duty; rules
341.533 Creditfor education and training received in Armed Forces
341.534 Tuitionwaiver for students 65 years of age or older; rules
341.535 Qualificationsof faculty; appraisal
341.541 Affirmativeaction plans, goals when faculty, staff reductions required
341.547 Noticeof reasonable assurance of continued employment; effect of failure to givenotice
341.551 Optionalretirement plan for administrative employees
341.565 Stateboard as boundary board; petition, hearings; legislative approval required;effective date of change; filing of change
341.569 Whenelection on change required
341.573 Divisionof assets and liabilities
341.575 Liabilityof annexed or merged territory
341.577 Procedurewhen district annexes new territory that is greater in population than originaldistrict
341.579 Voteon proposed boundary change subject to ORS 341.577; state board’s order
341.601 Definitions
341.604 Expansionof district
341.608 Servicearea financing; bonded indebtedness