Chapter 343 — SpecialEducation Services
343.035 Definitions
343.041 Supervisionof programs for children with disabilities by Superintendent of PublicInstruction; rules; complaint procedure; staff training; public agencycooperative agreements
343.045 Criteriafor development and operation of special programs; rules
343.055 Administrationof programs by Superintendent of Public Instruction; rules; powers of board
343.065 Employmentof personnel to supervise types of services for special programs; duties;distribution of training materials
343.085 Tuitionprohibited
343.146 Determinationof eligibility for special education services; evaluation; reevaluation;medical or vision examination; health assessment
343.151 Individualizededucation program; contents; procedures; review; revision; rules; standardforms; alternate forms
343.155 Proceduresto protect rights of child with disability; rules; content of rules
343.157 Dutyof school districts to identify, locate and evaluate resident children in needof special education or early intervention
343.159 Requirementsfor written notice to parents of child with disability; contents of notice;language or mode of communication of parent
343.164 Parentalconsent requirements for evaluation, reevaluation or placement; revocation ofconsent
343.165 Circumstancesrequiring hearing; deadline for requesting hearing; rules; expedited hearing;independent hearing officer
343.167 Resultof hearing; effect of procedural violations; deadline for decision; cost ofhearing; rules
343.173 Parentalright to examine district records; independent evaluation; hearing; costs
343.175 Civilaction following hearing; deadline; attorney fees; limitations; reduction offees
343.177 Educationalplacement during administrative or judicial proceedings; circumstances whereplacement may be changed
343.181 Transferof special education rights to child with disability upon age of majority;notice
343.183 Effectof school district failure to comply; withholding funds; expense of independentevaluation
343.193 Dutyto report child with disability not enrolled in special education program;effect of report
343.221 Specialeducation required; district projected activities and cost statement; permittedcontracts for services
343.223 Assistivetechnology devices or services; rules
343.224 Schooldistrict liability for expense of noneducational care
343.236 Statereimbursed or operated local, county or regional programs; rules
343.239 Annualbilling for students served by or enrolled in certain programs or school;calculation of amount of billing; notice; payment deadline; distribution ofmoneys
343.243 Receiptof amount from State School Fund for children enrolled in certain programs;calculation of amount received; disposition of amount received
343.247 SpecialEducation Account
343.261 Instructionof certain hospitalized children; rules
343.285 Useof state funds to match federal funds
343.287 StateAdvisory Council for Special Education; members; duties; expenses
343.293 Localadvisory councils on special education; duties
343.295 Documentof successful completion; summary of performance
343.391 Purposeof ORS 343.391 to 343.413
343.395 Definitionsfor ORS 343.391 to 343.413
343.396 Natureof programs
343.397 Planof instruction for talented and gifted children
343.399 Stateaid to local districts; criteria
343.401 Useof funds appropriated for ORS 343.391 to 343.413
343.404 Fundingfor program
343.407 Identificationof talented and gifted students
343.409 Talentedand gifted programs required
343.411 Whenidentification and programs for certain children required or optional; stateguidelines
343.413 Shorttitle
343.455 Earlychildhood special education provided by prekindergartens; service requirement
343.465 Policyon services to preschool children with disabilities; agency coordination ofservices
Note Effectof unavailability of federal funds on programs for preschool children--1993c.409 §8
343.475 Programof early childhood special education and early intervention services; serviceareas; primary contractor; voluntary local early childhood system plan;residency; sanctions
343.485 Confidentialityof records; rules
343.495 Operationof early childhood special education or early intervention programs bydepartment
343.499 StateInteragency Coordinating Council; appointment; member qualifications; duties;terms; use of federal funds; department’s duties; meetings; conflicts
343.507 Localearly intervention interagency advisory council; members; officers
343.511 Interagencyagreements to provide services; contents
343.513 Eligibilitycriteria; rules
343.517 Parent-initiatedreferral to determine eligibility
343.521 Individualizedfamily service plan; rules; forms
343.523 Servicecoordination requirements for early intervention and early childhood specialeducation
343.527 Requirementsfor written notice to parents of preschool child with disability; contents ofnotice; language or mode of communication of parent
343.531 Proceduralsafeguards; rules
343.533 Transportationservice to preschool children with disabilities; cost
343.534 Allocationof state funds to approved providers
343.565 Definitionsfor ORS 343.565 to 343.595
343.575 Proficiencyin reading and writing for blind student; use of Braille
343.585 Instructionin Braille; individualized education program requirements
343.595 Requirementthat textbook publishers supply material in format from which Braille versioncan be produced
343.600 Statepolicy encouraging use of Braille
343.650 Definitionsfor ORS 343.650 to 343.680
343.660 Facilitiesand services for disadvantaged children
343.670 Advancepayment to districts
343.680 Advancepayments and reimbursements to districts of at least 40,000 for operation andconstruction costs
343.810 Definitionsfor ORS 343.810 to 343.835
343.830 Summerprograms for migrant children
343.835 Reimbursement;district expenditures not subject to Local Budget Law
343.923 Departmentduties for programs for students with moderate to severe retardation
343.961 Responsibilityfor costs of education of children in long-term care or treatment; districtproviding education; notice required before student dismissed from treatmentprogram
343.010 [Repealed by1965 c.100 §456]
343.020 [Repealed by1953 c.110 §2]
343.030 [Repealed by1953 c.110 §2]
343.035Definitions.As used in this chapter unless the context requires otherwise:
(1)“Child with a disability” means a school-age child who is entitled to a freeappropriate public education as specified by ORS 339.115 and who requiresspecial education because the child has been evaluated as having one of thefollowing conditions as defined by rules established by the State Board ofEducation:
(a)Mental retardation;
(b)Hearing impairment, including difficulty in hearing and deafness;
(c)Speech or language impairment;
(d)Visual impairment, including blindness;
(f)Emotional disturbance;
(g)Orthopedic or other health impairment;
(i)Traumatic brain injury; or
(j)Specific learning disabilities.
(2)“Decision” means the decision of the hearing officer.
(3)“Determination” means the determination by the school district concerning theidentification, evaluation or educational placement of a child with adisability or the provision of a free appropriate public education to the childin a program paid for by the district.
(4)“Developmental delay” means:
(a)Delay, at a level of functioning and in accordance with criteria established byrules of the State Board of Education, in one or more of the followingdevelopmental areas:
(A)Cognitive development;
(B)Physical development, including vision and hearing;
(C)Communication development;