Chapter 351 — HigherEducation Generally
351.001 Legislativefindings
351.003 Additionalfindings
351.005 Highereducation an important public purpose
351.007 Intentto promote and enhance higher education
351.009 Missionof higher education
351.010 StateBoard of Higher Education
351.020 Directors;appointment; confirmation
351.040 Term;removal; compensation and expenses of directors
351.050 President;meetings; quorum
351.060 Boardgeneral powers as to control and management of property; power as tolitigation; delegation of powers to institutions
351.062 Boarddelegation of powers to committees
351.065 Consentof, access to and control of personnel records; rules
351.067 Sourcesof compensation for officers and employees; potential conflict of interest;reporting; rules applicable to outside employment and activities
351.070 Boardgeneral powers as to higher education and institutions; personnel system;public improvement contracts; rules; fees; student records; common admissionsprocess
351.072 Adoptionof certain standards not subject to rulemaking procedures; limitations
351.075 Chancellorof Oregon University System; appointment; qualifications; compensation
351.077 Implementationof minority teacher recruitment plans
351.085 Dutiesand powers of chancellor
351.086 OregonUniversity System exemption from certain laws; authority to contract withpublic agencies
351.087 Policiesfor operation of Oregon University System; transfer of authority from OregonDepartment of Administrative Services
351.088 Establishmentof adjudicative procedures
351.090 Standardizationof accounts and records; preparation of budget; allocation of funds
351.092 Acquisition,installation and use of data processing equipment
351.094 Provisionof group insurance for employees; expense reimbursement plan; deferredcompensation plan
351.097 Paymentof salaries or compensation; payroll; overpayment
351.100 Advertisingand publicity
351.105 Rulesfor minimum content of alcohol and drug abuse policy
351.110 Relationshipwith Legislative Assembly
351.115 Four-yearand five-year options for teacher education programs
351.117 AmericanSign Language courses; development of curricula; teacher programs;identification of needs and resources
351.130 Encouragementof gifts and donations to institutions; Higher Education Donation Fund; use ofgifts and donations
351.140 Boardpower to purchase real property
351.150 Titleto institution realty; conveyances
351.153 “Structure”defined
351.155 Authorityto sell forest products on institution realty; mineral and geothermal resourcesleases
351.160 Buildingconstruction
351.165 Reporton capital construction projects
351.170 Chargesfor use of buildings; student building fee; disposition of receipts
351.180 Buildinginsurance
351.190 Acquisitionof land for building purposes
351.200 Boardpower over higher education curricula and departments
351.203 Cooperationwith Education and Workforce Policy Advisor; cooperation with Oregon StudentAssistance Commission mediation process; compliance with certain commissiondecisions
351.205 Interchangeof faculty members with schools outside Oregon
351.210 Dispositionof unnecessary equipment, goods, supplies, material and information technology
351.220 Acquisitionof intellectual property
351.230 Management,development and disposition of intellectual property
351.240 Termsand conditions of transactions in intellectual property; dissemination ofinformation
351.250 Accountfor revenues from intellectual property
351.260 Planningassistance
351.267 Noticeof reasonable assurance of continued employment; effect of failure to givenotice
351.277 Officiallysanctioned programs for use of state-owned vehicles; rules
351.300 Legislativefinding on need for stabilized funding
351.310 Board’sgeneral financial power; appropriation of moneys received by board
351.315 Borrowingmoney and issuing bonds for purchase of real property
351.317 Obligationsunder ORS 351.140 or 351.315 not indebtedness of state or board
351.320 Proratingexpenses
351.340 Useof moneys
351.345 Bondissue for higher education and community college projects
351.350 Bondissue for self-liquidating higher education purposes
(Temporaryprovisions relating to issuance of bonds are compiled as notes following ORS351.350)
351.353 Constructionof parking facilities; bonds
351.356 Financialagreements
351.440 Saleto State of Oregon or United States Government
351.450 Accountfor bonds related to buildings and other structures
351.455 Useof moneys in subaccount realized from sale of Article XI-F(1) bonds and revenuebonds
351.460 Accountto pay principal and interest of certain bonds
351.470 Temporarybonds
351.500 Repealedstatutes continued effective until bonds redeemed
351.505 Federalaid; donations; acceptance and use
(Fundsand Accounts)
351.506 OregonUniversity System Fund
(Temporaryprovisions relating to higher education facilities accounts are compiled asnotes following ORS 351.506)
351.507 OregonState University Animal Sciences Pavilion Account
351.508 OregonState University Steam Plant Account
351.509 PortlandState University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Account
351.511 PortlandState University Northwest Engineering Science Center Phase I Account
351.516 EasternOregon University Regional Agricultural, Health and Life Sciences BuildingAccount
351.517 Universityof Oregon Education Building and Complex Account
351.518 Universityof Oregon Gilbert Hall Account
351.519 Universityof Oregon Integrative Science Complex Account
351.521 Universityof Oregon School of Music Account
351.532 OregonState University Engineering Capital Construction Remodel Account
351.538 Museumof Art Project Account
351.539 StraubHall Project Account
351.545 Accountto pay principal and interest of bonds authorized by ORS 351.350
351.590 Accountfor student activities
351.615 Accountfor auxiliary enterprise building repair and equipment replacement
351.626 Accountfor construction, remodeling, expansion and renovation of facilities