4112 - General testing and inspections.
§ 4112. General testing and inspections. (a) Schedule.--When not otherwise provided by law, the department shall have the powers to inspect and test to ascertain if they are correct all weights and measures kept, offered or exposed for sale. It shall be the duty of the department within a 12-month period, or less frequently if in accordance with a schedule issued by it or more frequently if deemed necessary, to assure that all weights and measures commercially used: (1) in determining the weight, measurement or count of commodities or things sold, offered or exposed for sale on the basis of weight, measure or count; or (2) in computing the basic charge or payment for services rendered on the basis of weight, measure or count or of devices utilized to dispense services on time; are inspected and tested to ascertain if they are correct. With respect to single-service devices, that is, devices designed to be used commercially only once and to be then discarded, and with respect to devices uniformly mass produced, as by means of a mold or die and not susceptible to individual adjustment, tests may be made on representative samples of such devices and the lots of which such samples are representative shall be held to be correct or incorrect upon the basis of the results of the inspections and tests on such samples. (b) Annual inspections.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), it shall be the duty of the department at least once within a 12- month period, or more frequently if deemed necessary, to assure that all commercially used small capacity retail computing scales, retail package shipping scales, vehicle scales, small platform scales which weigh items to 1,000 pounds, truck-mounted fuel oil meters, truck-mounted liquid petroleum gas meters, compressed natural gas meters and retail motor fuel dispensers are inspected and tested to ascertain if they are correct. The department may accept reports of Certified Examiners of Weights and Measures as sufficient to meet the inspection and testing requirements of this subsection, provided such inspection and testing is performed in accordance with all applicable standards and procedures adopted under section 4110(a)(4) (relating to specific powers and duties of department; regulations), provided that State inspectors of weights and measures shall conduct inspection and testing of a sample of devices inspected and tested by Certified Examiners of Weights and Measures. (c) General testing and inspection of scanning devices.-- Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, within the 12-month period ending on June 30, 1999, and every 12-month period thereafter, the department shall test and inspect to ascertain if they are correct all commercially used Universal Product Code scanning systems and Price Look Up devices. A city or county may test and inspect such devices and systems if specified in its memorandum of understanding entered into with the department in accordance with section 4125 (relating to division of responsibilities). Such devices and systems shall be exempt from the annual testing and inspection requirements of this subsection if the device or system is inspected at least annually on an unannounced basis as part of a private certification program which conforms with the examination procedures for price verification as adopted by the National Conference of Weights and Measures. (d) Interim procedures.--In order to facilitate the speedy implementation of subsection (c), the department shall promulgate, adopt and use guidelines to provide for the certification of individuals to test and inspect all commercially used Universal Product Code scanning systems and Price Look Up devices. The guidelines shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The guidelines shall not be subject to review pursuant to section 205 of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law, and sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act, or the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act, and shall be effective for a period of not more than two years. After the expiration of the two-year period, the guidelines shall expire and shall be replaced by regulations which shall be promulgated, adopted and published as provided by law. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve the department of the responsibility, prior to June 30, 1999, to conduct tests and inspections of all commercially used Universal Product Code scanning systems and Price Look Up devices on a periodic basis and in response to complaints and to initiate appropriate enforcement actions. (Mar. 24, 1998, P.L.217, No.39, eff. imd.) 1998 Amendment. Act 39 amended subsec. (c) and added subsec. (d). Cross References. Section 4112 is referred to in sections 4110, 4114, 4120, 4121, 4122, 4142 of this title.