1206 - Board minutes and records.
§ 1206. Board minutes and records. (a) Open proceedings and records.--(Deleted by amendment). (b) Record of proceedings.--The board shall cause to be made and kept a record of all proceedings held at public meetings of the board. The verbatim transcript of those proceedings shall be the property of the board and shall be prepared by the board upon the request of any board member or upon the request of any other person and the payment by that person of the costs of preparation. (c) Information delivered to Governor and General Assembly.--(Deleted by amendment). (d) Applicant information.-- (1) The board shall maintain a list of all applicants for licenses and permits. The list shall include a record of all actions taken with respect to each applicant. The list shall be open to public inspection during the normal business hours of the board. (2) Information under paragraph (1) regarding any applicant whose license or permit has been denied, revoked or not renewed shall be removed from such list after seven years from the date of the action. (e) Other files and records.--The board shall maintain such other files and records as it may deem appropriate. (f) Confidentiality of information.-- (1) The following information submitted by an applicant, permittee or licensee pursuant to section 1310(a) (relating to slot machine license application character requirements) or 1308(a.1) (relating to applications for license or permit) or obtained by the board or the bureau as part of a background or other investigation from any source shall be confidential and withheld from public disclosure: (i) All information relating to character, honesty and integrity, including family, habits, reputation, history of criminal activity, business activities, financial affairs and business, professional and personal associations submitted under section 1310(a) or 1308(a.1) or otherwise obtained by the board or the bureau. (ii) Nonpublic personal information, including home addresses, telephone numbers and other personal contact information, Social Security numbers, educational records, memberships, medical records, tax returns and declarations, actual or proposed compensation, financial account records, creditworthiness or financial condition relating to an applicant, licensee or permittee or the immediate family thereof. (iii) Information relating to proprietary information, trade secrets, patents or exclusive licenses, architectural and engineering plans and information relating to competitive marketing materials and strategies, which may include customer-identifying information or customer prospects for services subject to competition. (iv) Security information, including risk prevention plans, detection and countermeasures, location of count rooms, emergency management plans, security and surveillance plans, equipment and usage protocols and theft and fraud prevention plans and countermeasures. (v) Information with respect to which there is a reasonable possibility that public release or inspection of the information would constitute an unwarranted invasion into personal privacy of any individual as determined by the board. (vi) Records of an applicant or licensee not required to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by issuers that either have securities registered under section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. § 78l) or are required to file reports under section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. § 78o). (vii) Records considered nonpublic matters or information by the Securities and Exchange Commission as provided by 17 CFR 200.80 (relating to commission records and information). (viii) Any financial information deemed confidential by the board upon a showing of good cause by the applicant or licensee. (2) No claim of confidentiality shall be made regarding any criminal history record information that is available to the public under 18 Pa.C.S. § 9121(b) (relating to general regulations). (3) No claim of confidentiality shall be made regarding any record in possession of the board that is otherwise publicly available from a Commonwealth agency, local agency or another jurisdiction. (3.1) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(iii), for purposes of a public input hearing under this part, the board may release architectural renderings or models depicting a proposed structural design or redesign of the licensed facility that is the subject of the hearing. (4) Except as provided in section 1517(f) (relating to investigations and enforcement), the information made confidential pursuant to this section shall be withheld from public disclosure in whole or in part, except that any confidential information shall be released upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction or, with the approval of the Attorney General, to a duly authorized law enforcement agency or shall be released to the public, in whole or in part, to the extent that such release is requested by an applicant or licensee and does not otherwise contain confidential information about another person. (5) The board may seek a voluntary waiver of confidentiality from an applicant or licensee but may not require any applicant or licensee to waive any confidentiality provided for in this subsection as a condition for the approval of an application, renewal of a license or any other action of the board. (6) No current or former member and no current or former employee, agent or independent contractor of the board, the department, the Pennsylvania State Police, the Office of Attorney General or any other executive branch office who has obtained confidential information in the performance of duties under this part shall intentionally and publicly disclose the information to any person, knowing that the information being disclosed is confidential under this subsection, unless the person is authorized by law to receive it. A violation of this subsection constitutes a misdemeanor of the third degree. In addition, an employee, agent or independent contractor who violates this subsection shall be administratively disciplined by discharge, suspension, termination of contract or other formal disciplinary action as appropriate. If a current member violates this paragraph, the other members shall refer the matter to the current member's appointing authority. (g) Notice.--Notice of the contents of any information, except to a duly authorized law enforcement agency pursuant to this section, shall be given to any applicant or licensee in a manner prescribed by the rules and regulations adopted by the board. (h) Information held by department.--Files, records, reports and other information in the possession of the department pertaining to licensees shall be made available to the board as may be necessary to the effective administration of this part. (Nov. 1, 2006, P.L.1243, No.135, eff. imd.; Jan. 7, 2010, P.L.1, No.1, eff. imd.) 2010 Amendment. Act 1 amended subsec. (f). 2006 Amendment. Act 135 amended subsecs. (b), (d) and (f) and deleted subsecs. (a) and (c). Cross References. Section 1206 is referred to in section 13A12 of this title.