1301 - Definitions.
CHAPTER 13 INSIGNIA Sec. 1301. Definitions. 1302. Effect of registration under prior statutes. 1311. Registration of insignia. 1312. Amendment. 1313. Cancellation. 1314. Decennial filings required. 1321. Specifying conditions under which union label may be used. 1322. Rescission of right to use union label of allied crafts. 1331. Injunctive relief. Enactment. Chapter 13 was added December 16, 1982, P.L.1309, No.295, effective in 90 days. Cross References. Chapter 13 is referred to in sections 6709, 6710 of Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses). § 1301. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section: "Insignia." The name, badge, motto, button, decoration, charm, emblem, rosette, label or other insignia of an organization. "Label." A label, symbol, mark or private stamp, including a label adopted by labor unions for the purpose of designating the product of their particular labor or workmanship. "Organization." The Pennsylvania State Police or any association, lodge, order, fraternal society, beneficial association, or fraternal and beneficial society or association, historical, military or veterans' organization, labor union, foundation, federation, or any other society, organization or association, or any degree, branch, subordinate lodge or auxiliary thereof, whether incorporated or unincorporated, the principles and activities of which are not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this Commonwealth. (Mar. 2, 1988, P.L.239, No.25, eff. 60 days) 1988 Amendment. Act 25 amended the def. of "organization."