2208 - Requirements for natural gas suppliers.
§ 2208. Requirements for natural gas suppliers. (a) License requirements.--No entity shall engage in the business of a natural gas supplier unless it holds a license issued by the commission. To the extent that a natural gas distribution company provides natural gas supply service outside of its chartered or certificated territory, it also must hold a license. A license shall not be required for customers who make de minimis incidental sales or resales to themselves, an affiliate or other nonresidential retail gas customers. (b) License application and issuance.--An application for a natural gas supplier license shall be made to the commission in writing, be verified by oath or affirmation and be in such form and contain such information as the commission may, by rule or order, require. A license shall be issued to any applicant, authorizing the whole or any part of the service covered by the application, if it is found that the applicant is fit, willing and able to perform properly the service proposed and to conform to the applicable provisions of this title and the orders and regulations of the commission, including those concerning standards and billing practices, and that the proposed service, to the extent authorized by the license, will be consistent with the public interest. Otherwise, such application shall be denied. (c) Financial fitness.-- (1) In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the natural gas supply service in this Commonwealth, no natural gas supplier license shall be issued or remain in force unless the applicant or holder, as the case may be, complies with all of the following: (i) Furnishes a bond or other security in a form and amount to ensure the financial responsibility of the natural gas supplier. The criteria each natural gas distribution company shall use to determine the amount and form of such bond or other security shall be set forth in the natural gas distribution company's restructuring filing. In approving the criteria, commission considerations shall include, but not be limited to, the financial impact on the natural gas distribution company or an alternative supplier of last resort of a default or subsequent bankruptcy of a natural gas supplier. The commission shall periodically review the criteria upon petition by any party. The amount and form of the bond or other security may be mutually agreed to between the natural gas distribution company or the alternate supplier of last resort and the natural gas supplier or, failing that, shall be determined by criteria approved by the commission. (ii) Provides the commission with the address of the participant's principal office in this Commonwealth or the address of the participant's registered agent in this Commonwealth, the latter being the address at which the participant may be served process. (2) Failure of a natural gas supplier to comply with any provision of this chapter or the rules, regulations, orders or directives of the Department of Revenue or of the commission, including, but not limited to, engaging in anticompetitive behavior, shall be cause for the commission to revoke the license of the natural gas supplier. (d) Transferability of licenses.--No license issued under this chapter may be transferred without prior commission approval. (e) Form of regulation of natural gas suppliers.--Except where a natural gas supplier serves as a supplier of last resort, the commission may forbear from extending its regulation of natural gas suppliers beyond licensing, bonding, reliability and consumer services and protections, including all applicable portions of 52 Pa. Code Ch. 56 (relating to standards and billing practices for residential utility service). Subject to the provisions of section 2207 (relating to obligation to serve), nothing in this section shall preclude a natural gas supplier, upon appropriate and reasonable notice to the retail gas customer, supplier of last resort and the natural gas distribution company, from canceling its contract with any customer for legal cause, subject to the customer's right to have continued service from the supplier of last resort. (f) Availability of the service of natural gas suppliers.-- Prior to licensing any natural gas supplier, the commission shall set forth standards to ensure that all customer classes may choose to purchase natural gas from a natural gas supplier. The commission shall also ensure that natural gas suppliers comply with applicable provisions of 52 Pa. Code Ch. 56. (g) Open and nondiscriminatory access.--In addition to meeting the license requirements applicable to applicants under subsection (b), a municipal corporation shall, before it is permitted to provide natural gas supply services as a natural gas supplier, demonstrate, and the commission shall determine, that, by the date of the issuance of the license, it will provide other natural gas suppliers open and nondiscriminatory access to its gas distribution system under standards that are comparable to this title, taking into consideration the particular circumstances of the municipal corporation's ownership and/or operation of the gas distribution system. Cross References. Section 2208 is referred to in section 2212 of this title.