5303 - Retention and reinstatement of service credits.
§ 5303. Retention and reinstatement of service credits. (a) Eligibility points for accrued credited service.-- Eligibility points shall be computed in accordance with section 5307 (relating to eligibility points) with respect to all credited service accrued as of the effective date of this part. (b) Eligibility points for prospective credited service.-- (1) Every active member of the system or a multiple service member who is a school employee and a member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System on or after the effective date of this part shall receive eligibility points in accordance with section 5307 for current State service, previous State service, or creditable nonstate service upon compliance with sections 5501 (relating to regular member contributions for current service), 5504 (relating to member contributions for the purchase of credit for previous State service or to become a full coverage member), 5505 (relating to contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable nonstate service), 5505.1 (relating to additional member contributions) or 5506 (relating to incomplete payments). Subject to the limitations in sections 5306.1 (relating to election to become a Class AA member) and 5306.2 (relating to elections by members of the General Assembly), the class or classes of service in which the member may be credited for previous State service prior to the effective date of this part shall be the class or classes in which he was or could have at any time elected to be credited for such service. The class of service in which a member shall be credited for service subsequent to the effective date of this part shall be determined in accordance with section 5306 (relating to classes of service). (1.1) Every active member of the system who elects to convert county service to State service pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to convert county service to State service) shall receive eligibility points in accordance with section 5307 for converted county service upon compliance with section 5303.1(b). The class or classes of service in which the member may be credited for converted county service shall be determined in accordance with section 5306(c). (1.2) Every member of the system who elects to convert school service to State service pursuant to section 5303.2 (relating to election to convert school service to State service) shall receive eligibility points in accordance with section 5307 for converted school service. The class or classes of service in which the member may be credited for converted school service shall be determined in accordance with section 5306(d). (2) A special vestee or person otherwise eligible to be a special vestee who returns to State service or withdraws his accumulated deductions pursuant to section 5311 (relating to eligibility for refunds) or 5701 (relating to return of total accumulated deductions) shall receive or retain eligibility points in accordance with paragraph (1) but upon subsequent termination of State service shall only be eligible to be an annuitant vestee or inactive member without regard to previous status as a special vestee and without regard to the provisions of this part providing for special vestees. (3) A special vestee or person otherwise eligible to be a special vestee who becomes an active member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System and elects multiple service shall receive or retain eligibility points as otherwise provided for in this part and 24 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV (relating to retirement for school employees) but upon subsequent termination of school service shall only be eligible to be an annuitant, vestee or inactive member as otherwise eligible as a multiple service member without regard to previous status as a special vestee and without regard to the provisions of this part providing for special vestees. (c) Election for purchase of certain creditable service.-- Every active member of the system or a multiple service member who is a school employee and a member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System who was employed by the Applied Research Laboratory of The Pennsylvania State University prior to June 3, 1984, and did not receive or is not receiving a retirement or pension benefit as a result of that service may elect to have the period of employment with the Applied Research Laboratory treated as previous State service upon compliance with sections 5504 and 5506 upon waiver in writing of any benefit that he is entitled to under any other pension or retirement plan by virtue of that service. If a member elects to receive this previous State service credit, The Pennsylvania State University shall make employer contributions equal to the amount that would have been contributed had employer contributions been made to the system concurrently with the rendering of the service, plus valuation interest to the day of the crediting of the service. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5504, the amount due as member contributions and interest for an employee who is employed by the Applied Research Laboratory on June 3, 1984, who elects to purchase this credit with the State Employees' Retirement System shall not exceed the amount of contributions and interest certified as having been made to the pension plan administered by the Applied Research Laboratory during his employment with the Applied Research Laboratory. The Pennsylvania State University shall pay as member contributions the difference between this amount and the amount otherwise due under sections 5504 and 5506. The additional contributions paid by The Pennsylvania State University shall not be considered compensation for purposes of this part. (d) Transfer of certain pension service credit.-- (1) Any person who was an employee of any county in this Commonwealth on the personal staff of an appellate court judge prior to September 9, 1985, and who had that employment transferred to the Commonwealth pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3703 (relating to local chamber facilities) shall be a member of the system for all service rendered as an employee of the Commonwealth on the personal staff of an appellate court judge subsequent to the date of the transfer unless specifically prohibited pursuant to section 5301(c) (relating to mandatory and optional membership). The employee shall be entitled to have any prior service credit in that county or other municipal pension plan or retirement system transferred to the system and deemed to be State service for all purposes under this part. However, for those employees who were in continuous county employment which commenced prior to July 22, 1983, section 5505.1 shall not apply. The transfer of prior service credit to the system shall occur upon the transfer, by the member, county or other municipal pension plan or retirement system, to the system of the amount of accumulated member contributions, pick-up contributions and credited interest standing in the employee's county or municipal pension plan or retirement system account as of the date that these funds are transferred to the system. In the event that these funds have been refunded to the member, the transfer of service credit shall occur when the member transfers an amount equal to either the refund which the member received from the county or municipal pension plan or retirement system or the amount due under section 5504, if less. In the case of a transfer by the member, the transfer shall occur by December 31, 1987, in order for the member to receive credit for the prior service. In the case of a transfer by the county or other municipal pension plan or retirement system, the transfer shall also occur by December 31, 1987. If the amount transferred to the system by the member of a county or municipal pension plan or retirement system is greater than the amount that would have accumulated in the member's account if the employee had been a member of the system, all excess funds shall be returned to the employee within 90 days of the date on which such funds are credited to the member's account in the system. Within 60 days of receipt of written notice that an employee has elected to transfer credits under the provisions of this subsection, the county or other municipal pension plans or retirement systems shall be required to transfer to the system an amount, excluding contributions due under section 5504(a), equal to the liability of the prior service in accordance with county or other municipal pension plan or retirement system benefit provisions, multiplied by the ratio of system actuarial value of assets for active members to the system actuarial accrued liability for active members. The Public Employee Retirement Study Commission shall determine the appropriate amount of employer contributions to be transferred to the system by the county or other municipal pension plans or retirement systems. (2) If the member died prior to the effective date of this subsection, the personal representative for the estate of the member may make any transfer or request that the county or other municipal pension or retirement system make any transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service authorized in paragraph (1). In order to receive credit for the prior service, the transfer must be made by December 31, 1987. If the member dies on or after the effective date of this subsection and before January 1, 1988, without making the transfer or requesting the transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service authorized in paragraph (1), the personal representative for the estate of the member may make any transfer or request that the county or other municipal pension or retirement system make any transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service. In order to receive credit for the prior service, the transfer must be made by March 31, 1988. If the member dies after December 31, 1987, without making the transfer or requesting the transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service authorized in paragraph (1), neither the member or his estate shall receive credit for the prior service. (e) Transfer and purchase of certain pension service credit; Philadelphia Regional Port Authority.-- (1) Any employee of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority who becomes a State employee, as defined in section 5102 (relating to definitions), shall be eligible to obtain retirement credit for prior uncredited service with the Philadelphia Port Corporation, a Pennsylvania not-for-profit corporation ("predecessor corporation"), provided that the Commonwealth does not incur any liability for the funding of the annuities attributable to the prior, uncredited "predecessor corporation" service, the cost of which shall be determined according to paragraph (2). (2) The employee shall be entitled to have any prior service in the "predecessor corporation" transferred to the system and deemed to be State service for all purposes under this part. However, for those employees who were in continuous employment which commenced prior to July 22, 1983, the provisions of section 5505.1 shall not apply. The transfer of prior service credit to the system shall occur upon the transfer by the member or the "predecessor corporation" to the system of the amount of accumulated member contributions, pick-up contributions and credited interest standing in the employee's pension plan or retirement system account as of the date that these funds are transferred to the system. In the event that these funds have been refunded to the member, the transfer of service credit shall occur when the member transfers an amount equal to either the refund which the member received from the member's pension plan or retirement system or the amount due under section 5504, if less. In the case of a transfer by the member, the transfer shall occur by June 30, 1992, in order for the member to receive credit for the prior service. In the case of a transfer by the "predecessor corporation" pension plan or retirement system, the transfer shall also occur by June 30, 1992. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5504, the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority shall pay as pick-up contributions the difference between the amount credited to the member's account and the amount otherwise due under section 5504. Such additional contributions paid by the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority shall not be considered compensation for the purposes of this part. If the amount transferred to the system by the member is greater than the amount that would have accumulated in the member's account if the employee had been a member of the system, all excess funds shall be returned to the employee within 90 days of the date on which such funds are credited to the member's account in the system. Within 60 days of receipt of written notice that an employee has elected to transfer credits under the provisions of this subsection, the pension plan or retirement system in which the employee was enrolled prior to the creation of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority shall be required to transfer to the system an amount, excluding contributions due under section 5504(a), equal to the liability of the prior service multiplied by the ratio of system actuarial value of assets for active members to the system actuarial accrued liability for active members so long as the amount to be transferred is equal to or less than the total employer contributions made on behalf of the employee. In the event that the amount required to be transferred is greater than the total employer contributions made on behalf of the employee, the total employer contributions made on behalf of the employee shall be transferred to the system, and the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority shall be required to transfer to the system the additional funds needed to satisfy the requirements of the calculation in this paragraph. If the amount required to be transferred is less than the total employer contributions made on behalf of the employee, the pension plan or retirement system in which the employee was enrolled prior to the creation of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority may retain the amount not needed for transfer. (3) If the member dies on or after the effective date of this subsection and before July 1, 1992, without making the transfer or requesting the transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service authorized in paragraph (2), the personal representative for the estate of the member may make any transfer or may request that the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority make any transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service. In order to receive credit for the prior service, the transfer must be made by September 30, 1992. If the member dies after June 30, 1992, without making the transfer or without requesting the transfer necessary to receive credit for the prior service authorized in paragraph (2), neither the member nor his estate shall receive credit for the prior service. (4) Any person who became employed by the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority between July 10, 1989, and passage of this act and who becomes a State employee, as defined in section 5102, shall be eligible to obtain retirement credit for service from the date of employment with the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, provided that the contributions are made in accordance with sections 5501, 5504, 5505.1 and 5506. (f) Transfer of certain pension service credit; Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network.-- (1) An active member who is an employee of the Office of Attorney General and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network on December 31, 1992, shall be eligible to obtain State service credit for service with the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic- Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network for the period December 1, 1988, to July 31, 1991, upon payment of the required contributions by the member and Office of Attorney General and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network if the provisions of this subsection are satisfied. (2) The employee shall elect to receive the credit by filing an application with the board while an active member no later than 90 days after the enactment of this act. (3) Contributions to be paid by an active member for credit for New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic- Great Lakes Crime Law Enforcement Network service shall be sufficient to provide an amount equal to the regular and additional accumulated deductions which would have been standing to the credit of the member for such service had regular and additional member contributions been made to the board with full coverage as a Class A member during the period of New Jersey State Police and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service and had these regular and additional accumulated deductions been credited with statutory interest up to the date of purchase. The amount payable shall be certified in each case by the board in accordance with methods approved by the actuary and shall be paid in a lump sum within 30 days or, in the case of an active member, may be amortized with statutory interest through salary deductions in amounts agreed upon by the member and the board and shall be credited to the members' savings account. The amount of members' contributions so determined by the board shall be the obligation of the member who requested credit for New Jersey State Police and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service and in no event shall such amount be an obligation of the Office of Attorney General and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network or the State of New Jersey Retirement System. (4) Contributions to be paid by either the Office of Attorney General or the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network on account of credit for service as an employee of the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network during the period of December 1, 1988, through July 31, 1991, shall be equal to the full actuarial cost of the increased benefit obtained by virtue of the service, reduced by the member's contribution payable in a lump sum as calculated under paragraph (3). Contributions paid by the Office of Attorney General shall be made out of Regional Information Sharing Systems Program grants and Federal funds received from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, United States Department of Justice, and in no event shall the contributions be the obligation of any other fund of the Commonwealth. The contributions shall not be considered compensation for purposes of this part. The full actuarial cost of the increased benefit attributable to the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service shall be the difference between subparagraphs (i) and (ii) less the member's contribution: (i) the present value of a standard single life annuity, beginning at the earliest possible superannuation age, calculated assuming a 6.5% future salary increase, a 9% interest rate and standard postretirement mortality, assuming credit for the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service to be purchased; and (ii) the present value of a standard single life annuity, beginning at the earliest possible superannuation age, calculated assuming a 6.5% future salary increase, a 9% interest rate, standard postretirement mortality, excluding credit for the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service to be purchased. (5) The earliest possible superannuation age shall be the age at which the member becomes first eligible for superannuation retirement assuming continued full-time service and credit for the amount of service which the member has elected to purchase or the current attained age of the member, whichever is later. (6) The payment shall be made in lump sum by either the Office of Attorney General or the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network within 90 days of certification by the board of the required contribution amount and shall be credited to the State accumulation account. (7) In the event neither the Office of Attorney General nor the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network makes the required contributions within the specified time, the State service credited shall be canceled, and any member contributions made pursuant to paragraph (3) shall be refunded to the member. (8) In no event shall New Jersey State Police and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service be creditable if the member has received, is entitled to receive, eligible to receive now or in the future or is receiving retirement benefits for such service or has retirement credit or has now or acquires in the future retirement credit under a retirement system administered and wholly or partially paid for by any other governmental agency or by any private employer or a retirement program approved by the employer in accordance with section 5301(a)(12). In the event that State service credit is granted for New Jersey State Police and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service and the member subsequently receives credit for such service that is prohibited by this paragraph, the State service credited shall be canceled and any member contributions made pursuant to paragraph (3) shall be refunded to the member. (9) In the event the member is or was an annuitant, any annuity paid or payable during the period of such service with the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic- Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network shall be canceled retroactive to the date the member began service with the New Jersey State Police and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network, any such annuity payments made to the member shall be repaid by the member, and the provisions of section 5706 (relating to termination of annuities) shall apply if applicable. The amount payable shall be certified in each case by the board and shall be paid in a lump sum within 30 days or, in the case of an active member, may be amortized with statutory interest through salary deductions in amounts agreed upon by the member and the board and shall be credited to the members' savings account. The amount of annuity repayments so determined by the board shall be the obligation of the member who requested credit for New Jersey State Police and Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network service, and in no event shall such amount be an obligation of the Office of Attorney General and the Middle Atlantic- Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network. (10) In no event shall a member be eligible to receive credit for service to the State of New Jersey or service credited in the New Jersey Retirement System other than service rendered to the New Jersey State Police and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network. (g) Credit for employees of Juvenile Court Judges' Commission.--An employee of the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission who elects membership in an independent retirement program approved by the employer under section 5301(f) shall have all service credited pursuant to section 5302(a) (relating to credited State service) for State service with the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission on or after the effective date of the interagency transfer canceled and thereafter ineligible to be credited as State service. Additionally, all creditable State service and nonstate service reinstated or purchased while an employee of the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission shall be canceled. Such employees shall be prohibited from receiving credited service for State service performed while a member of an alternate retirement system approved by an employer. (h) Purchase of certain service credit; Delaware River Joint Free Bridge Commission.-- (1) An active member who is an employee of the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission on the effective date of this subsection shall be eligible to obtain State service credit for the other one-half of the member's service as an employee of the former Delaware River Joint Free Bridge Commission after September 1, 1973, and before July 1, 1987, for which the member has received one-half year of State service credit for each year of service upon payment of the required contribution by the member. (2) In order to elect the service credit, an active member shall file an application with the board no later than three years after the effective date of this subsection. (3) The contribution to be paid by a member for the service credit shall be determined by the board to be equal to the amount paid as employee contributions to the fund by the member as an employee of the former Delaware River Joint Free Bridge Commission during the time period for which service credit is being purchased together with statutory interest to date of purchase. (4) Upon application for the service credit, the member shall pay the contribution to the board in a lump sum within 30 days or the contribution may be amortized with statutory interest through salary deductions over a period not to exceed three years as agreed upon by the member and the board. (5) In no event shall the service be creditable if the member has received, is entitled to receive, eligible to receive now or in the future or is receiving retirement benefits for such service or has retirement credit or has now or acquires in the future retirement credit under a retirement system administered and wholly or partially paid for by any other governmental agency or by any private employer or a retirement program approved by the employer in accordance with section 5301(a)(12). In the event that State service credit is granted for the service and the member subsequently receives credit for the service that is prohibited by this paragraph, the State service credited shall be canceled and any member contributions and interest paid by the member under paragraphs (3) and (4) shall be refunded to the member by the board. (June 13, 1985, P.L.40, No.19, eff. imd.; July 13, 1987, P.L.296, No.53, eff. imd.; Aug. 5, 1991, P.L.183, No.23, eff. imd.; Oct. 5, 1994, P.L.518, No.76, eff. imd.; June 25, 1997, P.L.369, No.41, eff. imd.; June 22, 1999, P.L.75, No.12, eff. imd.; May 17, 2001, P.L.26, No.9, eff. July 1, 2001; Apr. 23, 2002, P.L.272, No.38, eff. imd.; Dec. 30, 2002, P.L.2082, No.234, eff. 60 days) 2002 Amendments. Act 38 added subsecs. (b)(1.2) and (g) and Act 234 added subsec. (h). 2001 Amendment. Act 9 amended subsec. (b). 1997 Amendment. See section 6 of Act 41 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to limitation of special vestee status. 1994 Amendment. Act 76 added subsec. (f). 1991 Amendment. Act 23 added subsec. (e). 1987 Amendment. Act 53 added subsec. (d), retroactive to September 9, 1985.