1711 - Creation of metropolitan transportation authorities.
SUBCHAPTER B AUTHORIZATION AND ORGANIZATION OF AUTHORITIES Sec. 1711. Creation of metropolitan transportation authorities. 1712. Governing and policymaking body. 1713. Appointment of board members. 1714. Resignation and vacancies. 1715. Meetings, quorum, officers and records. 1716. Secretary, oath, bond. 1717. Controller. 1718. Signatures. 1719. General manager. 1720. Treasurer. 1721. Counsel to the board. 1722. Legal division and general counsel. 1723. Other employees. 1724. Personnel matters. 1725. Public hearings. 1726. Citizen advisory committee. 1727. Investigations and subpoenas. 1728. Conflicts of interest. § 1711. Creation of metropolitan transportation authorities. (a) Creation and purpose.--There is hereby authorized the creation of a separate body corporate and politic in each metropolitan area, to be known as the transportation authority of that metropolitan area, extending to and including all of the territory in the metropolitan area. An authority shall in no way be deemed to be an instrumentality of any city or county or other municipality or engaged in the performance of a municipal function, but shall exercise the public powers of the Commonwealth as an agency and instrumentality thereof. An authority shall exist for the purpose of planning, acquiring, holding, constructing, improving, maintaining, operating, leasing, either as lessor or lessee, and otherwise functioning with respect to a transportation system in the metropolitan area and outside of such area, whether within or beyond the boundaries of this Commonwealth, to the extent necessary for the operation of an integrated transportation system and for the provision of all group and party services which can be provided by the existing transportation system or transportation systems subject to acquisition under this chapter. All services rendered by an authority outside the metropolitan area shall be pursuant to certificates of public convenience or other appropriate authorization issued to it by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or other appropriate regulatory agency of the Federal Government or any state. Except as provided in subsection (c), an authority shall transact no business or otherwise become operative until and unless a majority of its board shall have been qualified in accordance with this subchapter. (b) Certificate of incorporation.-- (1) The certification by the appointing power of each board member and the constitutional oath of office subscribed by each member shall be filed with the Department of State, and, except as provided in subsection (c), upon the receipt of initial certifications and respective oaths of a majority of the total number of board members appropriate to any metropolitan area, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall issue a certificate of incorporation. This certificate shall refer to that authority by the name which shall be designated by the board members. (2) In any suit, action or proceeding involving or relating to the validity or enforcement of any contract or act of an authority, a copy of the certificate of incorporation, duly certified by the Department of State, shall be admissible in evidence and shall be conclusive proof of the legal establishment of the authority. (c) Transition provisions.-- (1) Any authority established under the former provisions of Article III of the act of January 22, 1968 (P.L.42, No.8), known as the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law, or the former provisions of Chapter 15 (relating to metropolitan transportation authorities) shall be deemed, for all purposes, to be an authority created under this chapter, shall continue in effect under this chapter as an authority of the Commonwealth and shall exercise those powers, functions and duties and be governed by those provisions applicable to an authority created under this chapter. Such authority established under the former provisions of Article III of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law or the former provisions of Chapter 15 shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) concerning the organization of an authority under this chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to alter or modify in any respect any contract or other obligation of such authority entered into prior to the effective date of this chapter. (2) An authority created or existing under this chapter, including any authority established under the former provisions of Article III of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law or the former provisions of Chapter 15, shall, without the necessity of action or assignment by it or any other person: (i) continue in the rights and responsibilities of any authority existing under the former provisions of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law or the former provisions of Chapter 15 for all purposes, including, but not limited to, receipt of all grants, gifts, appropriations, subsidies or other payments; (ii) continue to be the owner of any real or personal property and enjoy and be subject to any and all rights and responsibilities appurtenant thereto of any authority existing under the former provisions of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law or the former provisions of Chapter 15, including, but not limited to, all assets, property, real and personal, tangible and intangible, all easements and all evidences of ownership or other interest in part or in whole, and all records, and other evidences pertaining thereto; and (iii) continue to be obligated with respect to all debt and other contractual obligations of any authority existing under the former provisions of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law or the former provisions of Chapter 15. (3) It is hereby declared to be the intent of the General Assembly that an authority created or existing under this chapter, including any authority established under the former provisions of Article II of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass Transportation Law or the former provisions of Chapter 15, and the members, officers, officials and employees of any of them, shall continue to enjoy sovereign and official immunity, as provided in 1 Pa.C.S. § 2310 (relating to sovereign immunity reaffirmed; specific waiver), and shall remain immune from suit except as provided by and subject to the provision of 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 8501 (relating to definitions) through 8528 (relating to limitations on damages). Cross References. Section 1711 is referred to in section 1782 of this title.