§ 1-2-17 Payment for compensation formunicipal services to the city of Warwick. The Rhode Island airport corporation, from a parking surcharge at the T.F.Green State Airport as defined by a 1988 agreement between the state acting byand through the director of transportation and the city of Warwick, shall payto the city of Warwick out of the parking revenue received at T.F. Green StateAirport as compensation for municipal services provided at T.F. Green StateAirport a sum of not less than two hundred seventy-five thousand dollars($275,000) for fiscal year 1994 payable quarterly; for each fiscal year after1994, this sum may be reviewed and/or renegotiated by the mayor of the city ofWarwick and the airport corporation, but in no event will the sum be less thanfive hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in any fiscal year beginning after1993 and before 2005, or less than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars($750,000) in any fiscal year beginning after 2004, provided any paymentsprovided or any portion of these payments is not disapproved by the F.A.A. Inthe event that the F.A.A. disapproves this payment from the airportcorporation, the state shall pay to the city of Warwick the sums of moneyrequired to insure that the city of Warwick receives five hundred thousanddollars ($500,000).