§ 1-2-7.1 Relating to airport and landingfields. (a) The Rhode Island Airport corporation has jurisdiction over the stateairports and airport facilities, and the general assembly recognizes that thesafe and efficient operation of the airports and airport facilities is ofparamount importance to the citizens of the state of Rhode Island. The generalassembly has found and hereby declares that it is in the public interest andessential to the welfare and well-being of the citizens of the state for theRhode Island Airport Corporation to lease or grant concessions of real propertynot necessary from time to time for airport use to state or municipalgovernmental authorities to enable such governmental authorities to carry outtheir governmental functions and purposes.
(b) The Rhode Island Airport Corporation together with theRhode Island department of transportation is hereby authorized to lease to thetown of Westerly that certain parcel of real property located at the WesterlyAirport, consisting of approximately one hundred and twenty-two thousand ninehundred and sixty-four (122,964) square feet situated easterly of Airport Roadin the town of Westerly, county of Washington, state of Rhode Island, anddescribed as follows: Beginning at a railroad spike set on a point of tangencya bearing of S 77 degrees 49 minutes 49 seconds E and a radial distance of twohundred ten and forty hundredths (210.40) feet from Station 44-25.15 as shownon Rhode Island State Highway Plat No. 1159 at the northwesterly corner of theherein-described parcel;
thence N 88 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds E along a lineforty (40) feet southerly and parallel with the northerly Westerly Airportproperty line of an access road leading to the Westerly Airport terminal adistance of six hundred ninety-four and seventeen hundredths (694.17) feet toan iron pin with cap set at a point of curvature;
thence proceeding easterly bearing southerly along a curvewith a radius of fifteen and zero hundredths (15.00) feet with a central angleof 144 degrees 45 minutes 45 seconds, with a chord bearing of S 19 degrees 16minutes 38 seconds E and a chord distance of twenty-eight and fifty-ninehundredths (28.59) feet, an arc length of thirty-seven and ninety hundredths(37.90) feet to an iron pin with cap set at a point of tangency;
thence S 53 degrees 06 minutes 15 seconds W along access roada distance of three hundred thirty-nine and seventy-one hundredths (339.71)feet to an iron pin with cap set at a point of curvature;
thence proceeding southwesterly bearing westerly along saidaccess road along a curve with a radius of two hundred twenty and zerohundredths (220.00) feet, a central angle of 81 degrees 40 minutes 24 seconds,with a chord bearing of N 86 degrees 03 minutes 33 seconds W and a chorddistance of two hundred eighty-seven and seventy-two hundredths (287.72) feet,an arc distance of three hundred thirteen and sixty hundredths (313.60) feet toan iron pin with cap set at a point of tangency;
thence N 45 degrees 13 minutes 21 seconds W along said accessroad a distance of two hundred twenty-two and seventy-four hundredths (222.74)feet to an iron pin with a cap set at a point of curvature;
thence proceeding northwesterly bearing northerly along acurve with a radius of twenty and zero hundredths (20.00) feet, a central angleof 133 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds, a chord bearing of N 21 degrees 33minutes 34 seconds E and a chord distance of thirty-six and seventy-sixhundredths (36.76) feet, an arc distance of forty-six and sixty-two hundredths(46.62) feet to the point and place of beginning.
The herein described New Lot A contains 122,964 square feetof land or 2.823 acres be the same, more or less.
The herein-described New Lot A is shown on that plan entitled"Minor Subdivision, Proposed Westerly Police Station, out of AP 108, Lot 19,Westerly Airport, Westerly, Rhode Island, scale 1" =40", dated 5/21/05,prepared for the Rhode Island Airport Corporation by Bryant Associates, Inc.,Engineers and Surveyors, Thomas D. Drury, Jr., PLS" together with allstructures and improvements located and/or to be built thereon, for the purposeof constructing and maintaining a police station, for a period not in excess ofninety-nine (99) years.