§ 1-4-13 Reports of hearings andinvestigations as evidence Testimony by director, deputy director, andaeronautics inspectors. The reports of investigations or hearings, or any part of the reports, shallnot be admitted in evidence or used for any purpose in any suit, action, orproceeding growing out of any matter referred to in those investigations orhearings, or in any report, except in the case of criminal or other proceedingsinstituted by or on behalf of the director under the provisions of thischapter; nor shall the director nor the deputy director, nor any aeronauticsinspector, be required to testify to any facts ascertained in or informationgained by reason of his or her official capacity. Neither the director nor thedeputy director, nor any aeronautics inspector for airports, shall be requiredto testify as an expert witness in any suit, action, or proceeding involvingany aircraft or any navigation facility.