§ 1-4-7 Carrying and posting of licenseand certificate Evidence of nonissuance. A required pilot's license, permit, or certificate shall be kept in thepersonal possession of the pilot while the pilot is operating an aircraftwithin this state. Required aircraft certificates shall be carried in theaircraft at all times and shall be conspicuously posted in clear view ofpassengers. A pilot's license, permit, or certificate and aircraft certificatesshall be presented for inspection upon the demand of any passenger, any peaceofficer of this state, any authorized official or employee of the director, orthe board, or any official, manager, or person in charge of any airport orlanding field in this state upon which the pilot lands, or upon the reasonablerequest of any other person. In any criminal prosecution under any of theprovisions of this chapter, a defendant who relies upon a license, permit, orcertificate of any kind shall have the burden of proving that he or she is thepossessor of a proper license, permit, or certificate. The fact of nonissuanceof a license, permit, or certificate may be evidenced by a certificate signedby the official having power of issuance, or his or her deputy, under seal ofoffice, stating that he or she has made diligent search in the records of hisor her office and that from the records it appears that no license, permit, orcertificate was issued.