§ 1-4-9 Jurisdiction of director. (a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the director hassupervision over aeronautics within the state, including:
(1) The establishment, location, maintenance, operation, anduse of airports, landing fields, air markings, air beacons, and other airnavigation facilities; and
(2) The establishment, operation, management, and equipment,of all air schools, flying clubs, and other persons giving air instruction.
(b) All proposed airports, landing fields, and other airnavigation facilities, shall be first approved by the director before they areused or operated. A political subdivision or person proposing to establish,alter, activate, or deactivate an airport or landing field shall makeapplication to the chief aeronautics inspector, with a copy to the director,for a certificate of approval of the site selected and the general purpose orpurposes for which the airport or landing field is to be established to insurethat it shall conform to minimum standards or safety and shall serve publicinterest. A political subdivision or officer or employee, or any person shallnot operate an airport, landing field, or other air navigation facility forwhich a certificate of approval has not been issued by the director.
(c) The director shall establish by rules and regulations, inaccordance with chapter 35 of title 42, guidelines for making application for acertificate of approval, criteria for determining whether to issue acertificate of approval, and fees for processing the applications and eachrenewal of certificates of approval.