§ 1-5-1 Establishment and installation ofaircraft operations monitoring system. (a) The Rhode Island airport corporation is authorized and directed tocoordinate with the federal aviation administration to complete a memorandum ofagreement between the Rhode Island airport corporation and the federal aviationadministration (FAA) to provide for the continuing acquisition of air trafficcontrol radar records related to the operation of civil aircraft at T.F. Greenairport.
(b) The Rhode Island airport corporation is authorized anddirected to install an aircraft operations monitoring system (AOMS) which shallbe capable of providing detailed and summary information related to theoperation of aircraft at and in the vicinity of T.F. Green airport. The AOMSshall be capable of plotting and displaying over area mapping theground-projected flight tracks and related altitudes of aircraft which use theairport. The system shall be capable of displaying flight tracks ofindividually identified aircraft based on time and location of operation. Thesystem shall have the capability to produce data files in both digital and hardcopy format.
(c) The AOMS shall further be capable of producing summaryreports which shall, at a minimum:
(1) Relate aircraft location data derived from air trafficcontrol radar with individual activity events, based on time and locationwithin the airport environs;
(2) Produce summary reports which disclose the use of runwaysby type of operation (landings or takeoffs), time of day, aircraft user group,and any other groupings which may from time to time become desirable at theoption of the system user; and
(3) Disclose the activity levels by aircraft types,including, but not limited to, operations by Part 36 stage, operations by jetand propeller-powered aircraft, by air carrier or private operators, allpresented by periods of time selected by the system operator.
(d) The AOMS reports shall be capable of expansion to provideadditional data relating to flight track or corridor utilization, air trafficfix usage, and other information which may become desirable as a result ofnoise abatement and land use compatibility planning.
(e) The AOMS shall be procured and in effect by June 30,1999. Provided, that if the Rhode Island airport corporation is unable tocomplete a memorandum of agreement with the FAA as provided for in subsection(a) of this section by June 30, 1999, and the inability is not due to inactionby the corporation, then the director of the corporation may request thegeneral assembly to extend the June 30, 1999 date as appropriate.