§ 1-6-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Administrator" means the state tax administrator.
(2) "District" means the Warwick airport parking district,being the district that runs from a point on Main Avenue in the city of Warwickat the southerly boundary of T.F. Green State Airport, and westerly along MainAvenue to a point one-third (1/3) mile west of the intersection of Main Avenuewith Post Road; turning thence northerly running along a line parallel to andone-third (1/3) mile west of Post Road to a point one mile north of the line ofAirport Road; thence turning east running along a line parallel to andone-third (1/3) mile north of the line of Airport Road to Warwick Avenue;thence turning south along Warwick Avenue to Airport Road; thence turning westalong Airport Road to the boundary of T.F. Green State Airport; thence runningsoutherly along the boundary of T.F. Green State Airport to the point ofbeginning. If any parking facility (including entrances, driveways, or privateaccess roads) is constructed partly within the district as so defined, theentire facility shall be treated as though within the district.
(3) "Operator" means any person providing transient parkingwithin the district.
(4) "Permit fee" means the fee payable annually by anoperator to the tax administrator in an amount equal to ten dollars ($10.00)for each space made or to be made available by the operator for transientparking during the period of a permit's effectiveness, but not more than twohundred fifty dollars ($250) for each permit.
(5) "Transient parking" means any parking for motor vehiclesat a lot, garage, or other parking facility within the district for which a feeis collected by the operator, but excludes:
(i) Parking for which the fee is charged and paid on amonthly or less frequent basis;
(ii) Parking for any employee of the operator of the facility;
(iii) Parking provided by any hotel or motel for registeredguests;
(iv) Parking provided by validation or having a validatedrate, where the person providing the validation does not maintain a place ofbusiness at T.F. Green State Airport.
(6) "Transient parking receipts" means the gross receiptscollected by an operator (excluding the surcharge imposed by this chapter) inconsideration of the provision of transient parking.