§ 10-1-2 Filing of action Application for temporary injunction. The action shall be filed in the superior court of the county in which thenuisance is alleged to exist. Upon the filing of the action, application for atemporary injunction may be made to any justice of the superior court, and thejustice shall order process to issue for a hearing to be held on theapplication within twenty (20) days thereafter. If the court shall not be insession in the county for which the action is filed on the date for thehearing, the process shall be made returnable to the court at Providence andthe hearing shall be held at Providence, unless otherwise agreed by the partiesor ordered by the court. Notice of the time and place of the hearing of theapplication for a temporary injunction shall be served upon the defendantsnamed in the complaint at least three (3) days before the hearing. The hearingshall have precedence over all matters upon the docket.