§ 10-1-8 Dissolution of order to keepclosed. (a) The owner or lessor of any place ordered closed pursuant to § 10-1-7may, at any time, have the order to keep the place closed dissolved upon thepayment of all costs incurred and upon the filing of a bond in such sum andwith such surety as shall be fixed and approved by the court, conditioned uponthe immediate abatement of the nuisance and against any further maintenancethereof, provided the owner or lessor shall prove to the satisfaction of thecourt that he or she had no knowledge and by the exercise of reasonablediligence could not have learned of the existence of the nuisance before thecommencement of the action.
(b) The dissolution of the order to keep the place closedshall not release the place from any judgment, lien, penalty, or liability, towhich it may be subject by law. If any person shall break and enter or use aplace ordered closed pursuant to § 10-1-7, he or she shall be punished forcontempt as provided in § 10-1-10.