§ 10-13-7 Administration of oath Assignment of estate. The justice of any district court in the county where the prisoner is committedmay at the time and place appointed examine the return of the citation, and ifit shall appear to have been duly served, may administer the oath prescribed in§ 10-13-8 to the party imprisoned as provided in § 10-13-5, if, afterfully examining the prisoner under oath and hearing the parties, the justiceshall think it proper so to do; provided, the applicant shall then and therefirst make and execute a deed of assignment of all his or her estate of everykind and wherever the estate may be, except what is exempted from attachment bylaw, other than debts secured by bills of exchange or negotiable promissorynotes, to the warden and his or her successor in his or her office and his orher heirs and assigns, in trust for the benefit of all his or her creditors inproportion to their respective demands.