§ 10-13-8 Form of debtor's oath. The oath to be administered in such a case shall be as follows: "I do solemnlyswear (or affirm) that I have not any estate, real or personal, in possession,remainder, or reversion over $10.00 (or except what is exempt from attachmentby law not herein enumerated) nor any debts secured by bills of exchange ornegotiable promissory notes, and that I have not, since the commencement ofthis suit against me or at any other time, directly or indirectly, sold,leased, or otherwise conveyed or disposed of to, or intrusted any person orpersons whomsoever with, all or any part of the estate, real or personal,whereof I have been the lawful owner or possessor, with any intent or design tosecure the property or to receive or to expect any profit or advantagetherefrom for myself or for any of my children or family or any other person,or have caused or suffered to be done anything else whatsoever whereby any ofmy creditors may be defrauded, so help me God (or this affirmation I make andgive upon peril of the penalty of perjury)".