§ 10-13-9 Certificate of justice as tooath. The oath being administered and taken by the prisoner, the justice shalldeliver to him or her a certificate thereof under, his or her hand and seal, inthe following form:
To warden of thecorrectional institution at in the county of I, the subscriber,authorized by the statute in such case made and provided, do certify that a poor prisoner confinedupon mesne process (or otherwise, as the case may be) in the correctionalinstitution at aforesaid,has caused the party atwhose suit he or she was so confined, to be notified according to law, of hisor her the said desire ofbeing admitted to take the poor debtor's oath; that in my opinion the said has not any estate,either real or personal, except what is exempt from attachment by law (or, over$10.00, as the case may be), and that he or she has not conveyed or concealedhis or her estate with design to secure the same to his or her own use or todefraud his or her creditors; and that I have, after due caution to the said administered to him orher the oath (or, affirmation,) prescribed by law to be administered to poordebtors.
Witness, my hand and seal, this day of A.D., Justice of the DistrictCourt of the JudicialDistrict.