§ 10-17-2 Account by trustee as toattached property. (a) Whenever any person, partnership, or corporation shall be served with ajudicial writ, original or mesne process, with purpose of attaching the wagesor personal estate of the defendant in the hands or possession of the person,partnership, or corporation, the person, partnership, or corporation shallrender an account in writing, upon oath, to the court to which the writ isreturnable. The original account shall state what wages or personal estate, ifany, up to the amount of the demands set forth in the writ, the trustee had inhis, her, or its hands or possession at the time the writ was served, except asprovided in § 6A-4-303; or if none shall exist, the trustee shall statethat fact in writing, to the court. The trustee is not required to account tothe court for property in his, her, or its hands or possession in excess of thedemand set forth in the writ.
(b) Whenever a supplemental accounting is required by §10-17-4, the trustee shall set forth the amount of wages garnished, if any, inthe reporting period and shall also state the total amount of defendant's wagesheld by the trustee to date. Upon the entire amount of demand as set forth inthe writ being collected, or if the defendant permanently leaves the trustee'semployment, final account shall be filed with the court issuing the writ,setting forth that fact.