§ 10-18-7 Effect of filing. (a) After the filing of the petition with the court under this chapter anduntil the dismissal of these proceedings, no prior creditor or subsequentcreditor seeking the collection of any claim may levy or enforce any judgment,execution, attachment, garnishment, or other legal or equitable process orproceeding against the property, real or personal, including, but not limitedto, wages, salaries, or commission of the debtor; nor may any assignment ofwages be enforced against the debtor.
(b) Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall by orderrequire that all such proceedings be so stayed and the debtor shall be entitledto have a copy of the order served upon any or all of his or her creditors andhis or her employer(s).
(c) With respect to the claims to be amortized under thischapter, the time between the filing of the petition with the court or theinclusion of the claim in these proceedings, whichever is later, and thedismissal of these proceedings shall not be counted as a part of the period ofany statute of limitations.