§ 10-20-8 Administrative and licensingproceedings Intervention by environment advocate. (a) Except as otherwise provided in § 10-20-9, in any administrative,licensing, or other similar proceedings and in any action for judicial reviewthereof which is made available by law, the environmental advocate mayintervene on such terms as the court may deem just and equitable in order toeffectuate the purposes and policies set forth in § 10-20-1.
(b) In any administrative, licensing, or other similarproceedings, the agency shall consider the alleged impairment, pollution, ordestruction of the air, water, land, or other natural resources located withinthe state and no conduct shall be authorized or approved which does, or islikely to have, such effect so long as there is a feasible, prudent, andeconomically viable alternative consistent with the reasonable requirements ofthe public health, safety, and welfare.