§ 10-3-6 Judicial appointment ofarbitrators. If, in the agreement, provision is made for a method of naming or appointing anarbitrator or arbitrators or an umpire, the method shall be followed; but if nomethod is provided in the agreement, or if a method is provided and any partythereto shall fail to avail himself or herself of such method, or if for anyother reason there shall be a lapse in the naming of an arbitrator orarbitrators or an umpire, or in filling a vacancy, then, upon the applicationof either party to the controversy, the court, as described in § 10-3-4,shall designate and appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators or umpire, as the casemay require, who shall act under the agreement with the same force and effectas if he, she, or they had been specifically named in the agreement; and,unless otherwise provided in the agreement, the arbitration shall be by asingle arbitrator.