§ 10-4-2 Filing of schedules and lists Certificate of deed of assignment. Every person making an assignment at common law for the benefit of creditorsshall file with his or her assignee a sworn itemized schedule of all his or herassets, showing the amount and kind of his or her property, where located andthe cash value thereof, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and alist of his or her creditors, stating their names, residences, and the amountsdue each of them, and the evidences thereof and securities therefor, if any,held by them. The sworn itemized schedule and the bond required in §10-4-1 shall be filed with the clerk of the superior court who shall certify onthe deed of assignment that the assignee named in the deed of assignment hascomplied with the provisions of § 10-4-1 and this section. No city or townclerk shall accept any deed of assignment for record unless it shall bear thecertificate of the clerk of the superior court showing compliance with §10-4-1 and this section, and any deed of assignment which does not bear thecertificate showing compliance with § 10-4-1 and this section shall benull and void.