§ 10-5-19 Attachment of corporate stock ortrust estate. Whenever a writ shall command the attachment of the shares of the defendant inany corporation, or of his or her personal estate in the hands of any person,co-partnership or corporation, as trustee, it shall be served by leaving anattested copy of the writ, having endorsed on the writ the date and time of dayof the service, with the person or some member of the co-partnership named inthe writ as trustee, or at the usual place of business of the person orco-partnership with some person there employed; or if the trustee, or thecorporation whose shares shall be directed to be attached, shall be a bank,with the cashier, treasurer or secretary of the bank; if an insurance company,with the president or secretary of the company; and if any other corporation,it shall be served by leaving an attested copy of the writ, having endorsed onthe writ the date and time of day of the service, with the treasurer of thecorporation, or the person executing the duties of treasurer of thecorporation, or with the attorney of the corporation appointed with authorityto accept service of process against the corporation in this state, or with anyother officer of the corporation, or with the agent or superintendent of thecorporation, or at the office of the corporation with some person thereemployed, and shall tender to the person upon whom service is made the sum oftwo dollars ($2.00) and his or her traveling fee as witness in the superiorcourt, and the sum of one dollar ($1.00) and like traveling fee if the writ isreturnable in any other court; and the officer shall also serve the defendantin accordance with applicable procedural rules.