§ 10-5-20 Account rendered by corporateofficer. Subject to the provisions of § 6A-8-317, whenever any banking associationor incorporated company shall be served with a copy of a writ attaching itsstock or shares, if a bank, its cashier, if an insurance company, its presidentor secretary, and if any other corporation, its treasurer or the personexecuting the duties of treasurer, shall render an account upon oath to thecourt to which the writ shall be returnable, of what stock or shares thedefendant had in the company at the time of the serving of the writ, except asprovided in § 6A-4-303. The account shall be filed, in any district court,within ten (10) days after the service of the writ. The account shall be filed,in any other court, within twenty (20) days after the service of the writ.