§ 10-5-22 Defendant's bond on corporatestock or trust estate. Whenever a writ shall command the attachment of the shares of the defendant inany corporation, or of his or her personal estate in the hands or possession ofany person, co-partnership or corporation, as trustee, the defendant may, atany time after the service of the writ upon the trustee, and before finaljudgment or decree, deliver to the officer who served the writ a bond, in thepenal sum of the amount of damages stated in the writ, signed by the defendantor someone in his or her behalf, with surety or sureties to the satisfaction ofthe officer, with a condition in the surety that the surety shall be null andvoid if the final judgment or decree, in the action or cause in which the writwas served, shall be immediately paid and satisfied after the rendition of thefinal judgment or decree.