§ 10-9-4 Issuance of writ Forms. (a) The court or justice to whom the complaint shall be made shall, withoutdelay, award and issue a writ of habeas corpus; if against any sheriff ordeputy sheriff of this state, or against the warden of any correctionalinstitution in this state, or against any marshal or deputy marshal of theUnited States, it shall be substantially in the following form:
The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
(SEAL) To Greeting:
We command you, that the body of of , in your custody (or, by youimprisoned or restrained of his or her liberty, as the case may be), as it issaid, together with the day and cause of his or her taking and detaining bywhatsoever name the said shall be called or charged, you have before our supreme (or superioras the case may be) court, held at immediately after the receipt of this writ, to doand receive what our court shall then and there consider concerning him or herin this behalf, and have there this writ.
Witness, the seal of the court at this day of , in the year .
Or, witness my hand this day of in the year . Justice of the court.
(b) And if not against an officer as described in subsection(a), it shall be substantially in the following form:
The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
To the sheriffs of our several counties and their deputies,
(SEAL) Greeting:
We command you, that the body of of by of imprisoned or restrained of his or herliberty, as it is said, you take and have before our supreme (or superior, asthe case may be) court, held at immediately after the receipt of this writ, to do and receivewhatever the court shall then consider concerning him or her in this behalf,and summon the said thenand there to appear before our said court to show the cause of the taking anddetaining of the said and have you there this writ with your doings thereon.
Witness, the seal of the court at this day of in the year . , Clerk.
Or, witness my hand this day of in the year . Justice of the court.