§ 10-9-8 Return or statement by person towhom writ directed. The person to whom the writ is directed shall state in his or her return on thewrit:
(1) Whether he or she has or has not the party in his or hercustody or power or under restraint;
(2) If he or she has the party in his or her custody or poweror under restraint, he or she shall set forth at large the authority, and thetrue and whole cause of the imprisonment or restraint, with a copy of the writ,warrant, or other process, if any, upon which the party is detained; and
(3) If he or she has had the party in his or her custody orpower or under restraint and has transferred custody or restraint to another,he or she shall state particularly to whom, at what time, for what cause, andby what authority the transfer was made.