§ 11-18-26 Obtaining food oraccommodations with intent to defraud. (a) Every person who shall obtain credit or accommodation at any hotel, inn,restaurant, boarding house, or lodging house by means of any false pretense, orwho, with intent to defraud the proprietor, or the proprietor's agent orservant, obtains any credit or accommodation at a hotel, inn, restaurant,boarding house or lodging house, without paying, shall be fined not exceedingtwenty dollars ($20.00) or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty (30) days.
(b) Proof that lodging, food or other accommodation wasobtained by false or fictitious showing or pretense of baggage, or that theperson refused or neglected to pay for the food, lodging, or otheraccommodation, or removed or caused to be removed his or her baggage from thepremises, without paying for the food, lodging, or other accommodation, shallbe presumptive evidence of the fraudulent intent referred to in subsection (a)of this section; but this provision shall not apply where there has been aspecial agreement for delay in payment.