§ 11-18-32 Video, audio and publicationrentals. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to reveal, transmit, publish, ordisseminate in any manner, any records which would identify the names andaddresses of individuals, with the titles or nature of video films, records,cassettes, or the like, which they purchased, leased, rented, or borrowed, fromlibraries, book stores, video stores, or record and cassette shops or anyretailer or distributor of those products, whether or not the identities andlistings are kept in a remote computing service or electronic storage or thedisclosure is made through or by a remote computing service. It shall not beunlawful to make disclosures to other employees of the library or businessincident to the normal course of their work or pursuant to lawful compulsion.
(b) All records of such transactions shall be maintained asconfidential and may only be released by written waiver.
(c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisionsof this section shall be punished by a fine in an amount not exceeding onethousand dollars ($1,000) per violation, or by imprisonment not exceeding six(6) months, or both.
(d) Any person injured as a result of a violation of thissection may bring a civil action against the violator for actual damages or twohundred fifty dollars ($250), whichever is greater, for each violation, plusreasonable attorneys' fees and court costs.