§ 11-18-6 False financial statement toobtain loan or credit. No person shall knowingly make or cause to be made, either directly orindirectly, or through any agency whatsoever, any false statement in writing,with intent that it shall be relied upon, respecting the financial condition,or means or ability to pay, of himself or herself, or any other person, firm,or corporation in whom he or she is interested, or for whom he or she isacting, for the purpose of procuring in any form whatsoever, either thedelivery of personal property, the payment of cash, the making of a loan orcredit, the extension of a credit, the discount of an account receivable, orthe making, acceptance, discount, sale, or endorsement of a bill of exchange,or promissory note, for the benefit of either himself or herself or of suchperson, firm, or corporation.