§ 11-19-1 Forms of gambling prohibited. Every person who shall, directly or indirectly, set up, put forth, carry on,promote, or draw, publicly or privately, any lottery, chance, game, or deviceof any nature or kind whatsoever, or by whatsoever name it may be called, forthe purpose of exposing, setting for sale or disposing of any money, houses,lands, merchandise, or articles of value, or shall sell or expose to salelottery policies, purporting to be governed by the drawing of any public orprivate lottery, or shall sign or endorse any book, document, or paperwhatsoever, for the purpose of enabling others to sell, or expose to sale,lottery policies, except as authorized in this chapter and in title 41 andchapters 61 and 61.2 of title 42, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and shallbe imprisoned not exceeding two (2) years or be fined not exceeding twothousand dollars ($2,000).