§ 11-19-13 Door prizes exempt. Nothing in §§ 11-19-1 11-19-4 or in §§ 11-19-9 11-19-11 shall be deemed to prohibit or make illegal the annual orsemiannual distribution by chance, of prizes, souvenirs, or favors by any club,society, lodge, or association at its dance, dinner, entertainment, or outingwhere the distribution is purely incidental to the dance, dinner, entertainmentor outing or when the entire net proceeds of the dance, dinner, entertainmentor outing is devoted to charity, if the club, society, lodge or association hasfirst obtained the written permission for the distribution, in towns, from thetown sergeant, in cities, from the police commission or police commissioner, ifthere is such an official, otherwise from the chief of police of the town orcity where the dance, dinner, entertainment or outing is held, and thatpermitting authority is authorized to grant the permit when he or she issatisfied that the distribution comes within this section.