§ 11-19-30 Definitions. The following definitions apply within this chapter:
(a) "Charitable organization" means any benevolent,educational, philanthropic, humane, patriotic, social service, civic,fraternal, police, labor, religious, eleemosynary person, and/or personsholding themselves out to be a charitable organization.
(b) "Charitable purpose" means any benevolent, educational,humane, patriotic, social service, civic, fraternal, police, labor, religious,or eleemosynary purpose, provided that no part of the net earnings inures tothe benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
(c) "Department" means the division of state police unlessotherwise described.
(d) "Director" means the superintendent of state police orthe director's designee.
(e) "Permitted game of chance" means the game commonly knownas "Bingo" or "Beano" or substantially the same game under any other name, or araffle or lottery or that lottery commonly known as a "twenty (20) week club".