§ 11-19-36 Organizations permitted toconduct other permitted games of chance. Any charitable organization may promote, carry on, or conduct any permittedgame of chance authorized by the division of state police in connection withwhich prizes or prize monies are offered or awarded, provided as follows:
(1) The game is conducted by members of the organization.
(2) No person in the actual or constructive management andcontrol of the game receives any compensation for services connected to thegame.
(3) The entire net receipts of the game, including thecharges for admission to and participation in the game, are applied solely tothe bona fide charitable purposes of the organization.
(4) That the organization is granted a license issuedpursuant to the provisions of § 11-19-37.
(5) That the provisions of this section shall not apply tothat lottery commonly known as a "twenty-week club" or a raffle conducted by acharitable organization.