§ 11-19-37 Issuance of licenses. (a) Any charitable organization within the provisions of §§ 11-19-30and/or 11-19-31 may be granted a license to conduct the game of bingo or otherpermitted game of chance authorized by the department.
(b) Bingo. A license for the game of bingo shall beobtained as follows:
(1) The charitable organization shall annually apply forapproval to the department pursuant to § 11-19-31 and shall pay to thedepartment an application fee of five dollars ($5.00).
(2) Upon the receipt of notification of approval from thedepartment, the charitable organization shall apply to the local licensingauthorities upon forms furnished and pay the local licensing fee, if any;
(3) The local licensing authority shall issue the license. Acopy of the license shall be forwarded to the department by the local licensingauthority;
(4) The local licensing authority shall issue the license fora specific date or dates or a specific day or days during each calendar week;
(5) Within seven (7) calendar days of the completion of everygame of bingo, the charitable organization shall file a financial report, uponforms furnished by the department with the department and with the locallicensing authority if it so requires.
(1) The charitable organization shall apply for approval tothe department pursuant to this section and shall pay to the department anapplication fee of five dollars ($5.00).
(2) Upon the receipt of a notification of approval from thedepartment, the charitable organization shall apply to the local licensingauthority upon forms furnished by the department and pay the local licensingfee, if any;
(3) The local licensing authority shall issue the license. Acopy of the license shall be forwarded to the department by the local licensingauthority;
(4) The local licensing authority shall issue the license fora specific date or specific day or days;
(5) The application for the local license shall be made atleast thirty (30) days prior to the date or day for which the license is issued;
(6) Within thirty (30) calendar days of the completion of thepermitted game of chance, the charitable organization shall file a financialreport upon forms furnished by the department, with the department.