§ 11-19-9 Illegal trading stamps andcoupons. All schemes and devices by which any person or corporation shall sell, give, ordistribute any stamp, trading-stamp, cash discount stamp, amusement stamp,check, coupon, or other similar device to any purchaser of goods, wares, ormerchandise, which will entitle the holder of the stamp, trading-stamp, cashdiscount stamp, amusement stamp, check, coupon, or other similar device, onpresentation of it, either singly or in definite numbers, to receive eitherdirectly from the vendor or indirectly through any other person or corporation,some indefinite and undescribed article, the nature and value of which areunknown to the purchaser of the goods, wares, and merchandise at the time ofthe purchase of the merchandise, are declared to partake so much of the natureof a lottery as to be detrimental to the public morals, and are declared to beillegal.