§ 11-23-2 Penalties for murder. Every person guilty of murder in the first degree shall be imprisoned for life.Every person guilty of murder in the first degree: (1) committed intentionallywhile engaged in the commission of another capital offense or other felony forwhich life imprisonment may be imposed; (2) committed in a manner creating agreat risk of death to more than one person by means of a weapon or device orsubstance which would normally be hazardous to the life of more than oneperson; (3) committed at the direction of another person in return for money orany other thing of monetary value from that person; (4) committed in a mannerinvolving torture or an aggravated battery to the victim; (5) committed againstany member of the judiciary, law enforcement officer, corrections employee,assistant attorney general or special assistant attorney general, orfirefighter arising from the lawful performance of his or her official duties;(6) committed by a person who at the time of the murder was committed toconfinement in the adult correctional institutions or the state reformatory forwomen upon conviction of a felony; or (7) committed during the course of theperpetration or attempted perpetration of felony manufacture, sale, delivery orother distribution of a controlled substance otherwise prohibited by theprovisions of chapter 28 of title 21; shall be imprisoned for life and ifordered by the court pursuant to chapter 19.2 of title 12 that person shall notbe eligible for parole from imprisonment. Every person guilty of murder in thesecond degree shall be imprisoned for not less than ten (10) years and may beimprisoned for life.