§ 11-25-23 Allowing prisoners to havecontrolled substances. (a) Every person who shall voluntarily permit any prisoner to unlawfully haveaccess to any controlled substances as defined in § 21-28-1.02 shall bepunished by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years, or by a fine of notmore than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both.
(b) For the purposes of this section, "prisoner" includes allpersons committed to the adult correctional institutions, in the custody of thewarden, in the custody of any other officer while outside the confines of thecustodial unit, in the custody of the state director of mental health,retardation and hospitals pursuant to § 40.1-5.3-1, or the Rhode Islandtraining school for youth, regardless of whether that prisoner is held uponconviction or upon any criminal charge.