§ 11-25-8 Conveyance to prisoner ofinstruments for escape. Every person who shall convey to any prisoner confined upon any criminal chargeor upon conviction in any prison, jail, lock-up, police station, or other placeof detention, without the knowledge of the warden, jailer, or officer in chargeof the prison, jail, lock-up, police station, or place of detention, anydisguise, instrument, tool, weapon, or other thing which is adapted or usefulto aid a prisoner in making his or her escape, shall if any prisoner escapes bymeans of a disguise, instrument, tool, weapon, or other thing so conveyed, bepunished by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years, or by a fine of notmore than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both. If there is no escape bymeans of the disguise, instrument, tool, weapon, or other thing so conveyed,then the person so conveying it shall be punished by imprisonment for not morethan five (5) years, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars($1,000), or both.