§ 11-26-1 Kidnapping. (a) Whoever, without lawful authority, forcibly or secretly confines orimprisons another person within this state against his or her will, or forciblycarries or sends another person out of this state, or forcibly seizes orconfines or inveigles or kidnaps another person with intent either to cause himor her to be secretly confined or imprisoned within this state against his orher will or to cause him or her to be sent out of this state against his or herwill, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished byimprisonment for not more than twenty (20) years.
(b) Where the provisions of The Domestic Violence PreventionAct, chapter 29 of title 12, are applicable, the penalties for violation ofthis section shall also include the penalties as provided in § 12-29-5.