§ 11-30-7 Landlord's liability fornuisance. Every person who shall let any building or tenement owned by him or her orunder his or her control, for any of the purposes enumerated in §§11-30-1 and 11-30-2, or who shall knowingly permit any building, tenement, orpart of one to be so used while under his or her control, or who shall afterfive (5) days notice from any officer or magistrate of that use of the buildingor tenement omit to take all reasonable measures to eject the tenant oroccupant from the premises as soon as it may lawfully be done, shall be deemedand taken to be guilty of aiding in the maintenance of the nuisance, and shallbe fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousanddollars ($1,000) or be imprisoned in the adult correctional institutions notless than sixty (60) days nor more than one year.