§ 11-30-8 Entry by police officers ofpremises Commanding departure of persons found. The sheriffs of the several counties and their deputies, and the townsergeants, constables, and chiefs of police of the several towns and citiesmay, within their respective towns and counties, enter any house or buildingwhich they have cause to suspect to be inhabited for purposes of prostitutionand lewdness, to be resorted to by persons of ill fame or by persons ofdissolute, idle, or disorderly character, or in which they have reasonablecause to believe intoxicating liquors are sold in violation of law, or unlawfulgames are carried on or permitted, or in which they have reasonable cause tobelieve a common nuisance is kept or maintained. Upon entering the house orbuilding they may command all persons assembled there to immediately departfrom the house or building. In the event of the neglect or refusal of anyperson so commanded to leave, they may arrest that person and hold him or herfor a period not exceeding twenty-four (24) hours for prosecution. Every personwho shall so refuse or neglect shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor andshall be fined not exceeding twenty dollars ($20.00) or be imprisoned notexceeding thirty (30) days.