§ 11-35-22 Offenses in connection withauthorized interception of communications. Except as otherwise specifically provided in chapter 5.1 of title 12, anyperson: (1) who willfully edits, alters, or tampers with any tape,transcription, or other sound recording, or knows of the editing, altering, ortampering, and presents the recording in any judicial proceeding or proceedingunder oath, without fully indicating the nature of the changes made and theoriginal state of the recording; or (2) who willfully discloses to any personany information concerning or contained in the application for or the grantingor denial of orders for interception, renewals, notice, or return on an exparte order granted pursuant to this section, or the contents of any document,tape, or recording kept in accordance with chapter 5.1 of title 12; shall beimprisoned for not more than five (5) years.