§ 11-35-4 Injuries to electric orcommunication lines. Every person who shall wantonly or willfully and maliciously cut, destroy,break down, or injure, or attempt to cut, destroy, break down, or injure anymachine, appliance, or apparatus used for generating electric currents or anyelectric wire or other appliance or apparatus used for the purpose ofconducting or transmitting electric currents for using and furnishing power,motive power, light, or heat, or used for the purpose of transmittingintelligence by means of telegraphic or telephonic apparatus or by means offire-alarm signals, burglar-alarm signals, police signals, railway signals, orother apparatus or appliance for the transmission of intelligence, or shallcut, destroy, break down, or injure or shall attempt to cut, destroy, breakdown, or injure any pole, bracket, insulator or other device, apparatus, orappliance for supporting or carrying any electric wire, or shall do any otheract interrupting or intended to interrupt the transmission of the electriccurrent over any electric wire, shall be liable to indictment for it, and uponconviction shall be fined not exceeding three thousand dollars ($3,000) orimprisoned not exceeding two (2) years; provided, that nothing in this sectionshall be construed to authorize or permit the attachment, erection, use,operation, or maintenance of any electric wire, apparatus, pole, bracket,insulator, or other device or appliance, upon the property of any person orcorporation, without the consent of the owner or owners; nor to prevent anyproperly authorized person from removing any electric wire, apparatus, pole,bracket, insulator, or other device or appliance for the purpose of permittingthe passage of any building or structure, the moving of which has been dulyauthorized by any city or town council.