§ 11-35-6 Interference with gas orelectric or water meters. Every person who shall willfully or fraudulently injure or shall knowinglysuffer to be injured any wire, meter, pipe, or fittings connected with orbelonging to any electric company or gaslight company or connected with orbelonging to the waterworks of any corporation in this state supplying water ata stipulated rate of payment, or shall willfully tamper or meddle with anyother of the appliances or appurtenances connected with or belonging to anyelectric company or gaslight company or to the waterworks of a corporation in amanner as to cause loss or damage to the company or corporation, or who shallwillfully or fraudulently prevent any meter used for registering the quantityof electricity, gas, or water supplied through it from duly registering thequantity so passing through it, or alter the index of any meter or in any wayhinder or interfere with its proper action or just registration, or shallfraudulently use the electricity or fraudulently burn the gas of the company orfraudulently use the water passing through the wire, meter, pipe, fittings, orother of the appliances or appurtenances connected with or belonging to theelectric company or gas company or to the waterworks of the corporation, orwillfully waste electricity, gas, or water, shall be deemed guilty of amisdemeanor and shall be imprisoned not exceeding one year or be fined notexceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000). In any prosecution under this sectionproof that any wire, meter, pipe, or fittings have been injured, or that anymeter has been prevented from duly registering the quantity of electricity,gas, or water supplied through it, while on the premises occupied by thedefendant, shall be prima facie evidence that the defendant caused the injuryor prevented the meter from duly registering the quantity of electricity, gas,or water supplied through it, willfully and fraudulently and with intent toinjure or defraud.