§ 11-36-3 Throwing missiles at train. Whoever willfully throws or shoots a missile at a locomotive engine, railroad,or street railway car, or other means of public conveyance, or at a person onthe engine or car or conveyance, or in any way assaults or interferes with aconductor, engineer, brake operator, driver, or motor operator while indischarge of his or her duty on or near a railroad engine, car, or train, or onor near a street railway car or other means of public conveyance, shall befined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or be imprisoned not more thanone year. Any violation of the provisions of this section which results in apersonal injury to an employee or passenger shall be considered a felony,punishable by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more thanone thousand dollars ($1,000), or imprisonment in the state prison notexceeding three (3) years, or both.